
Koen Poelhekke

🙋‍ Koen Poelhekke

Senior TypeScript/JavaScript Developer

Having worked with design agencies for over a decade, I know how to put a pixel on the right spot.

With a strong eye for detail and good communicative skills I am able to create maintainable high-end solutions. Over the years I have specialized in performance, accessibility and testing. I master modern tools such as React (native), Node.js, Next.js, tRPC, NestJS, CSS-in-TS, Tailwind, D3, Jest, Cypress, Playwright, Detox, REST/GraphQL, Github Actions, Gitlab CI and unfortunately Jira.

As a senior engineer and certified Scrum Master I have worked in multple Scrum teams in which I supported and coached other team members.

📩 Contact

Get in touch via koen@poelhekke.dev or check out my public profiles: